The majority of ”health brands” only targets a small group of people, for whom candy, beer and cheat days are taboo.
At the same time, our Instagram feed is flooded with advanced yoga poses on a beach in Asia somewhere, perfectly manicured hand holding coconuts etc.
That shit is so DAMN old and CLICHÈE...
Imagine waking up a Saturday morning hungover, feeling like crap with no inspiration to even get out of bed or get your shit together.
With a little pinch of our magic fairy dust in your breakfast smoothie or oatmeal, your breakfast will be a lot sexier, you will automatically be more fit and your mama will be proud of you. All at the same time!
I want Rawnice to be for everyone who can’t relate to that perfect healthy lifestyle (You coconut yogis are of course welcome too).
Me? I drink red wine and listen to the Wu-tang Clan in between my workouts.
I’m all about the balance.. and so is RAWNICE.